Prosperity Press

Stories for a better, beautiful world

We are a twin-owned, independent publishing house focused on supporting new authors and revisiting timeless prosperity classics.

Community is one of our pillars. We proudly say NO to Amazon Prime Nemesis… and say YES to local community businesses!

We conscientiously choose our bookshop partners, seeking out community-driven, independent bookstores and New Age shops.

The Wayshower

An anthem for Starseeds

In this daring epic by new author Sevadeep, journey with 21-year-old Sarah Miller as she falls into a dream that will change her life forever.

Sarah is the heroine a generation of Starseeds, soul seekers and New Age readers has been waiting for. Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind, mind-bending tale for the ages!

Prosperity Press is proud to represent new author Sevadeep, and publish his beautiful work of high fantasy fiction.

Local Bookstores & New Age Shops

Imagine Harry Potter before he became a household name; or The Alchemist before it became an all-time bestseller.

The Legend of Sarah Miller is the high fantasy fiction series a generation of New Age readers is ready for.

We’re seeking flagship book and New Age shops to help put The Wayshower, book one of Sarah’s story, into the hands of our readers everywhere.

Are you ready to offer your customers their next favorite epic? Fill out the form and let us know!